Monday 12 August 2013

Time Travel - Possible or Not?


Time travel has been common and most interesting topic in many science fiction stories. As many science fiction stories have been converted into truth and can be converted, time travel has been an interesting idea in the history of science fiction stories. 

History of time travel


                                                                       A 1960 Film

The first time travel was observed in the Hindu Epic, The Mahabharata, where Revaita travels to heaven to meet Lord Brahma, and on his return, he observes that he came to the future and many years have passed.

Theory of General Relativity


Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein has given theories and principles of light and time. He proved that light bends where there is a strong magnetic field and time runs slower at strong gravity fields. His theory of general relativity proves that if we keep on approaching the speed of light, the time's speed keeps on decreasing only for us. If a man builds a special machine that can achieve 99% of light's speed or even 99.99999%, only his time will be slow and the surroundings will experience 2 centuries when that person will experience one year. Einstein's theory of relativity ends here as Albert Einstein died before he would give ideas of going into past. Many scientists believe that when we approach light's speed, the time is running slower and when we touch light's speed, the time would stop and when we travel faster than light, we would automatically go to past. 


General Relativity also proves that where light travels faster, time also runs faster. So, time runs faster in vacuum (space) than on Earth (a gravitational force exerting mass). That's why when astronauts go in space, they experience less time than on earth. If he or she takes a clock and goes into space, and returns after a period of time, the clock gone to space would show less time than the clock on earth.



It is something that has logic, but is an argument that will have no result. It is logic but there is no reason for it. Time Travel is also considered to be a paradox. For example, there is a thing called Grandfather Paradox or Ancestral Paradox. It means that when Mr. X travel into past and kills his own ancestor or Grandfather, he would also vanish that second as his grandfather will die at young age and he won't have a son (who is Mr. X's father) and not having son means not having grandson. And who is the grandson? Well, Mr. X is the grandson and he won't even exist. And this will cause a great damage to the future as all the descendants of Mr. X will not exist and their memory and family will also not exist.

Well, there can also be time travels that cannot cause a damage to the future. For example, when a thief travels to the future and steals a diamond. Then, he again travels to present and gives that to his son. When his son becomes old, he will actually be the person, from whom the thief stole the diamond. From this, we can conclude that there is a cycle that he will steal it, it goes to past. When the son grows old, that diamond again travels to the future, then again gets stolen. This won't cause any damage, just the money decreases from the old age, and it increases in the young age! That's all.

Time Travel in the Future


Time travel is not properly researched and developed. So, today time travel is not possible, but tomorrow? Many scientists believe that in the future, history will be strong as when time travel is possible, we can travel into past and experience the ancient life and learn about our ancestors.

See the following video from National Geographic how time travel can be possible:

                                                                                                                         Article By - M. Santosh

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